Meet Pam, your local BioHorizons Kansas Representative.

Pam would be glad to stop by your office anytime and help with any questions you might have.

Special arrangements have been made between Kansas City Dental Lab and BioHorizons which allows us to save you money on BioHorizon Implants.

Pam Ettus-Johnson

Click here to redeem coupons and try Kansas City Dental Lab for FREE.

Authentic BioHorizons Implant Bundle

(Gold Anodized)

Bundle only available for BioHorizons customers at Kansas City Dental Lab


Authentic BioHorizons Custom
Abutment and Katana
High Translucency Zirconia Crown

Vulcan TiN1bio-horizons-img

Tapered Pro Conical streamlined clinical performance

BioHorizons dental implants are clinically proven, user-friendly tapered body design with "best in class" connections and proven reverse buttress thread design. Our new surgical kits offer streamlined clinical performance in a simplified treatment workflow whether utilizing keyless guided or freehand placements. When coupled with our new SmartShape healers, the industry's only anatomical, scannable, tissue sculpting healing abutment, it offers optimal precision and contouring for the ultimate restorative solution. Place. Scan. Design. Deliver. 100% lifetime warranty and proudly made in the USA!

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    7.5° conical connection

    Tapered Pro Conical's connection features a long conus designed to reduce micromovements and a 7.5° angulation that is proven to provide superior positional stability in comparison to other conical systems.



    Featuring platform-switching designed to preserve crystal bone and deliver esthetic results.


    Flat Implant Shoulder

    The flat implant shoulder is designed to reduce vertical discrepancy by allowing restorative components to sit on the implant shoulder preserving the conical connection for final abutments.

    Tapered Pro Conical

    Implant with healing cap in a single-stage protocol.

    Single Stage Protocol

    Single-stage surgery may be accomplished by placing a healing cap at the time of implant surgery. This eliminates the need for a second procedure. Although the implant is not in occlusal function, some forces can be transmitted to it through the exposed transmucosal element.

    Prosthetic restoration begins following osseointegration of the implant and soft tissue healing.

    Custom Abutments in All Platforms and Sizes


    Your highly-experienced and knowledgeable
    BioHorizons Kansas Rep

    Pam Ettus-Johnson

    Pamela Ettus-Johnson

    • (785) 608-1474